Self-Care Sundays – 62 Ideas to Recharge for the Week Ahead

Self-care Sundays are a powerful tool to enhance your well-being through simple activities. When we don’t take the time to slow down our busy lives and assess the state of our well-being, we eventually find ourselves trying to pour from an empty cup. Whether you’re dealing with burnout from work and other responsibilities or are simply seeking a reprieve from your daily routine, take the time to prioritize your own happiness and recharge your mind, body, & spirit for the week ahead.

Woman in bath reading a book with a cup of tea and blueberries

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What is self-care?

The term “self-care” can cover a broad range of behaviors and activities. Off the bat, many people may think of facials, massages and other types of spa treatments when they think of self-care. While a day at the spa can most definitely be part of your self-care ritual, the term self-care really encompasses anything you do that “fills up your cup” rather than drains it.

More formally, self-care is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as “the practice of taking an active role in protecting one’s own well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress.” 

I want to point out the use of the term “active” in that sentence. It can be all too easy to become complacent in our daily lives and feel as if we have no control over the things that happen to us or let ourselves get caught up in the “hustle” culture that seems to be dominating our society. As we put our heads down and grind through our to-do lists, this complacency mindset can lead to stress and eventually cause us to burnout.

We have to take an active stance regarding the value we place on our own well-being.   At times, that may mean advocating for yourself when you feel you are overextended and need to take a step back in order to prioritize your health – whether that be your physical, mental, or spiritual health. 

However, prioritizing your well-being does not always mean slowing down – it can also mean adding more activities that bring you joy and make you feel alive to your schedule. Sometimes we feel discontent with our lives not necessarily because we are too busy or overwhelmed, but because we aren’t filling up our free time with endeavors that excite us. That’s why planning things to look forward to or signing up for a class to learn a new skill is self-care too!

Why practice self-care Sundays?

Maybe your days are filled to the brim with appointments and meetings and you find yourself constantly striving to check things off of your never-ending to-do list. Or maybe you find yourself stuck in the monotony of your daily routine. Either way, I’ve got great news: self-care Sundays are for you. 

Practicing self-care Sundays can be a powerful tool to protect and even enhance our well-being. Self-care can:

  • Decrease stress and anxiety
  • Give you a greater sense of purpose
  • Improve your sleep quality
  • Increase your productivity
  • Provide you with more energy
  • Help you gain mental clarity

The list really could go on and on. 

Keep in mind that self-care is in no way selfish. Self-care allows us to be the best possible version of ourselves, which in turn enables us to better tackle our responsibilities and connect and care for those around us. Don’t feel guilty about prioritizing yourself every now and then and giving yourself the love and attention you deserve. At the end of the day, doing so will make you a better employee, parent, spouse, friend, and human in general.

skincare on a shelf with mirror

What day of the week is best for self-care?

While self-care can be practiced any day of the week, many people find themselves with extra time on the weekend, and on Sundays in particular. 

Using Sunday as your self-care day is a great way to tie up the end of the week. Self-care Sundays allow you to leave any unnecessary stressors from the past week behind, and begin the new week intentionally, with a fresh mind capable of tackling all that comes your way.

However, while it’s nice to pick a specific day of the week to intentionally recharge, it’s also important to sprinkle in a little self-care as often as you can throughout the week so you never get to the point of utter exhaustion. This is especially important if you don’t feel like you have a lot of spare time in your week. Try finding even just 5 to 10 minutes a day to prioritize yourself and refill your proverbial cup.

How to practice self-care Sundays?

While it’s unlikely that you have time each week to dedicate your entire Sunday to self-care, I would encourage you to do at least one or two self-care activities each Sunday to ensure you are taking the necessary time to recharge and energize your body, mind, and spirit for the upcoming week.

Try scheduling one self-care Sunday per quarter that is fully dedicated to self love and rejuvenation, packed with all of your favorite activities. What an awesome thing to have on your calendar to look forward to every few months!

The best routine for your self-care Sundays is the one that involves whatever activities fill up your cup and bring you joy. The below list is simply meant to inspire you to think through what those cup-filling endeavors are for you!

62 ideas to help you rest and recharge on self-care Sundays

1. Have a slow morning

There’s no better feeling than waking up on a Sunday morning knowing you can take things slow. Let yourself sleep in and get all the rest you need to recharge after a long week. When you wake up, make some coffee and breakfast and slowly ease into the day.

White and tan bed

2. Get outside

Getting outside in nature has endless benefits. It can not only boost your mood and productivity, but viewing sunlight also has proven positive health impacts. There’s no better way to start your day than by grounding yourself outdoors.

3. Read a book

If you crave an escape from the routine of your daily life, reading is a great way to completely disconnect. Whether it’s a cheesy romance novel or an informative piece on a topic you’re interested in, picking up a book may be just what you need. Bonus self-care points for reading in bed. Now that I have a Kindle, I can finally lay on my side and read without having to adjust my book constantly – it’s such a game changer!

4. Listen to an audio book

If reading isn’t your thing, try listening to an audio book instead. The best part of listening to an audio book instead of reading a physical book is you can multitask and listen while you paint your nails or cook a yummy breakfast!

5. Watch a movie or tv show

If you’re like me and you have a list of shows to watch stacking up in your notes app, self-care Sundays are the perfect time to finally unwind and watch something new or simply indulge in your guilty pleasure show!

6. Learn something new

How awesome does it feel to master a new skill? Try spending time learning something new. Maybe a new game, a new cooking technique, or even sign up for a class to learn a new language.

7. Spend time on your hobby or start a new one

Hobbies are a great way to add a little interest to your life. If you already have something you love to do, that’s great! If you don’t, now’s the time to dig into that topic that has always interested you. Cooking, photography, sewing, painting, gardening, dancing – the possibilities are endless!

8. Cook your favorite meal

Get the ingredients for your favorite meal and have the ultimate cozy at home dining experience. Set the table, light some candles, pour a beverage, and romanticize your meal!

Dinner table at home set with candles and wine

9. Order takeout

If cooking isn’t your thing, treat yourself to your favorite takeout meal. Nothing says self-care more than malai kofta and garlic naan in my opinion! And don’t forget dessert 😏

10. Take a nap

Cozy up back in bed, put on your eye mask and a little white noise, and catch a few extra zzz’s. Whether it’s 10 minutes or an hour, you’ll wake up feeling more rested and energized.

11. Get your nails done

Make an appointment to get a mani / pedi and relax! The best part of getting your nails done is the satisfaction will last for weeks to come every time you see your nails.

12. Take “the” shower

You know the one I’m talking about. The one where you actually wash your hair, do a moisturizing hair mask, exfoliate, and shave every part of your body. When you get out of the shower, lather yourself with your favorite lotion and follow up with your full skincare routine! This honestly might be the ultimate self-care activity, and it’s so simple!

skincare tools

13. Exercise

Whatever your favorite form of exercise is, take some time for yourself and get your body moving. Per Mayo Clinic, not only does regular physical activity prevent various diseases and health issues, but it can improve your mood, boost your energy, and promote deeper, more restful sleep. Who are we to pass up endorphins!

READ MORE: 7 Simple Habits for a Healthy Lifestyle

14. Spend time with friends or family

Take time to slow down and reconnect with your loved ones. Go get a meal together or simply swing by and catch up on life. If you have loved ones who don’t live close to you, schedule a Facetime date to connect.

cookies on baking sheet

15. Bake a sweet treat

What’s more comforting than warm, homemade chocolate chip cookies?? The answer is nothing. Bake your favorite sweet treat and enjoy it yourself or share with friends and family. If you’re looking for a sweet treat on the healthier side, chocolate covered peanut butter stuffed dates are to die for!

16. Plan for the week ahead

Set yourself up for success and plan out your upcoming week, including what meals you want to make and any appointments you need to schedule. Make a list of high priority tasks and be sure to plan in some self-care throughout the week, because taking care of yourself should not be reserved for self-care Sundays only.

Woman writing in notebook

17. Listen to your favorite music

Put on your favorite playlist and just vibe. Even better – go for a drive and have a full on jam sesh in your car (a truly underrated self-care activity in my opinion). 

18. Meditate

Spend 10 to 20 minutes meditating or doing a guided non-sleep deep rest session to clear your mind of any stressors.

19. Journal

Spend some time journaling. You can write about what’s going on in your life lately or just anything that’s been on your mind. For more focused self-care journaling, you can respond to some self-love journal prompts. Also, take the time to read back on some of your old entries and reminisce! 

20. Go to bed early

Start your bedtime routine early and have a cozy evening in bed to help you rest up for the week ahead. 

Book and candles in bed

21. Get a massage

Schedule a professional massage to work out any tension you’ve been carrying around or use a massage gun for an at-home relaxation session.

22. Watch the sunrise or sunset

Take the time to go somewhere with a good view and watch the sunrise or the sunset. Pausing and taking in the beauty around you will help you feel present in this moment and gratitude for the day you’ve been given.

23. Listen to a podcast

Podcasts are an amazing way to learn something new, get inspired, or simply laugh until your tummy hurts. I love listening to What We Said when I want to feel like I’m hanging out with my best friends and Huberman Labs when I want to learn something new in the health and wellness space!

24. Go on a walk

Take your pup on a walk or go solo – but get out and explore your neighborhood or a walking trail you’ve never been on!

walking trail with fall foliage

25. Make a vision board

You can either print out photos, use old magazines, or make a new board on Pinterest with inspiring pings if you don’t want to make a physical vision board. Thinking of what you want for the future is a great way to get inspired and feel reenergized.

26. Snuggle

Snuggle up in bed or on the couch – whether it’s with your partner, your pet, or simply a cozy blanket! In case you need more convincing, cuddling with someone you love releases oxytocin and has been shown to lower blood pressure and decrease the “stress hormone,” cortisol. 

27. Go shopping

Go to the mall or hop on your computer to browse your favorite online boutiques. Treat yourself to something you’ve been eyeing for awhile!

28. Have a cup of tea or coffee

Get cozy with a warm cup of coffee or tea and relax. I highly recommend making some herbal tea as you start to wind down for the night.

park bench with colorful buildings

29. Go somewhere peaceful to read or journal

Go to a park, the beach, a coffee shop, or find a bench in town with a nice view for a change of scenery to read, journal, or just people watch.

30. Plan something to look forward to

If there’s a restaurant you’ve been dying to go to or you see upcoming tickets to your favorite artist on sale, now is the time to get something on the calendar. Your future self will thank you for making the reservation in advance or buying those tickets, I promise!

31. Buy yourself flowers

Go to a local farmer’s market or a grocery store and buy yourself a bouquet of flowers. Quick tip – Trader Joe’s is a great place to check for affordable arrangements! The best part is fresh flowers will likely bring you joy all week long 💐

Flowers by bedside

32. Play with your dog

Someone once reminded me that while our dogs are a small part of our lives, we are their entire world. Make your pup the happiest by going outside and playing fetch with them or taking them on a walk. Cause how could spending time with your dog not put a smile on your face??

33. Get a facial

Either go get a professional facial or do a face mask at home. Anything to make your skin glow and feel refreshed! Cucumbers on the eyes are an encouraged added touch, though not necessary.

self-care planner

34. Self tan

Does anyone else feel like a new human after they apply self tanner? Especially in the winter months, self tanning is a great way to pamper yourself and boost your confidence!

35. Color or draw

Grab a sketch pad and draw. Or, if you don’t have an artistic bone in your body like me, pick up an adult coloring book like this hilarious drinking animals coloring book to guide your artistic endeavors!

36. Take a bubble bath

Throw a cute little bath bomb in your tub, pour yourself a beverage, light a few candles, and relax. The bath is also a great place to read or watch Netflix!

Bubble bath with candles, book, and hot beverage

37. Stretch

Roll out your yoga mat and work on your flexibility. Feel free to spend 10 or 20 minutes in shavasana as well (iykyk) (and don’t feel guilty if this turns into a little nap) 🙂

38. Go get ice cream or a snow cone

My all time favorite activity – treat yourself to ice cream or a snow cone at your favorite local spot. P.S. you deserve a double scoop.

39. Visit to local shops

It can be easy to forget about our local small businesses in a world of online shopping. Going to your local stores and boutiques is a great way to get out of the house, support your community, and likely stumble upon a unique find or two!

40. Do a foot soak or mask

Give your feet a little love! Soak your feet in the tub or a basin of warm water with some Epsom salt for 20 to 30 minutes. Or skip the water and just put on a moisturizing foot mask before bed and wake up to soft feet.

coffee shop

41. Treat yourself to coffee out

If you usually make coffee at home, treat yourself to a fancy latte out at your favorite coffee shop. 

42. Play a board / card game

Get out a deck of cards or your favorite board game and play a game with family or friends. If you’ve never played Rummikub, you must – it’s my absolute favorite game! 

43. Garden

If you have an outdoor garden, spend some time tending to your space. If you currently stick to indoor plants only, maybe go buy a new plant or start an indoor herb garden so that you always have fresh herbs when you cook (this is high on my list of fun to-dos)!

Woman repotting a tall green plant

44. Do a puzzle

Puzzles are a great way to disconnect and relax either solo or with friends. There’s just something so satisfying about finding the right piece!

45. Clean up social media

Go through your social media and “clean up” your feeds. Limiting your exposure to only content that actually serves you is an excellent form of self-care. Unfollow or mute anyone who doesn’t inspire you or make you feel good!

46. Go to a museum or local attraction

Head out to an art or history museum, a botanical garden, a science center, or any other attraction in your town. This is a great way to get out of the house, learn something new or take in some beauty!

47. Pray or worship

If you are spiritual, spend some time in prayer or at a worship service to recenter and ground yourself in your core beliefs and values.

48. Organize your space

Spend some time decluttering and organizing your space. Your future self will thank you. If you’re not sure how to tackle organization, here’s nine ways to organize your life to get you started!

49. Go phone free for a couple hours

If you find yourself constantly checking your phone and social media accounts, you might enjoy powering down all of your electronics for an hour or two. Use this time to relax and be truly present in your day.

50. Have a date night with your partner

Plan a fun day or night date for you and your partner. Prioritizing intentional quality time will help strengthen your relationship and your partner will appreciate the effort you put in. You could also plan a date with friends or family or go solo!

backyard date night set up with string lights and lanterns

51. Have an intentional family night

If the craziness of your everyday life makes it hard to spend time as a family, plan an evening to reconnect. Have dinner together, build a fort with your kids, or play a game as a family – whatever fills up your cup.

52. Reflect

Spend some time reflecting on your life, relationships, and interactions. Call to mind areas you’re proud of and where you might want to make changes. Then make a plan for how you’ll improve in that area going forward.

53. Whiten your teeth

If you have sensitive teeth, I highly recommend Lumineux whitening strips – they work great and they’re super gentle. 

54. Practice affirmations 

Affirmations are a great way to boost your confidence by giving yourself a little self love. Think Meredith Grey standing in a superhero pose before going into surgery. How we talk to ourselves is so important, and practicing affirmations has proven to decrease stress and anxiety, improve your sense of self-worth, and so much more!

READ MORE: 55 Self-Care Affirmations for Positive Thinking and Self-Love

55. Reassess your goals for the future

Grab a notebook and write down some of your goals for this year and beyond. Be sure to make them SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, time-based) goals!

woman writing in notebook with coffee

56. Play your favorite sport

I sometimes forget how fun it is to just kick a soccer ball around at the park or play a game of PIG. Get together with some friends and have a little friendly competition!

57. Write letters to loved ones

Pull out some stationary, envelopes, and stamps and write some good ole fashion snail mail to your friends and family. Getting something other than junk mail or another bill to pay will surely put a smile on their face!

58. Attend a class

Explore local offerings to find a class that interests you. Whether it’s hot yoga at your gym, jewelry making at the local art center, or a cooking class with friends, classes are a great way to socialize and potentially learn something new.

59. Make care baskets for your loved ones, just because!

Head to Target and put together little snack or self-care baskets for your friends and family. Then drop them off on their front porch, ring the doorbell, and ditch! Haha, mostly kidding – did anyone else celebrate May Day as a kid? But bringing by the care baskets is a great excuse to catch up with your loved ones as well.

60. Serve others

Find a way to give back to your community and serve for the afternoon. You can usually find available opportunities pretty easily by searching “[city you live in] volunteer opportunities” in Google!

picnic spread on blanket

61. Have a picnic

Make a charcuterie board and some sandies or pick up take out. Grab a beverage and a blanket and head outside for lunch 🙂

62. Just hang out!

Last, but certainly not least…just do nothing at all. It can be so hard to allow ourselves to sit and do nothing without the weight of responsibilities and never ending to-do lists piling up on our shoulders. How can you sit down for a minute when there are dishes in the sink or laundry to be done or appointments to be scheduled? There are always so many things that we “should” be doing, right? But oftentimes, what we really need is to simply give ourselves permission to slow down and just relax – no guilt necessary, especially on self-care Sundays!

I hope you’re able to take a few things from this list and implement them into your recharge routine. My typical self-care Sundays includes time outside with my dogs, prayer and worship, good conversation with loved ones, a bit of prep and planning for the week ahead, and of course, some ice cream (a Culver’s concrete mixer with strawberry and Oreo to be exact).

Remember that even if you feel like you don’t have more than 10 or 15 minutes in your day to spare – using those 10 or 15 minutes for self-care is absolutely worth it. A little bit here and there goes a long way!

I’d love to hear what your self-care Sundays look like, especially if you implement things in your ritual not on the above list. Let me know what your favorite self-care practices are in the comments below! 😊