55 Self-Care Affirmations for Positive Thinking and Self-Love

Words are powerful – especially the words we say to ourselves. Sometimes we may find ourselves caught up in a cycle of negative thoughts that lead towards an overall sense of dissatisfaction with ourselves and our lives. If you struggle with negative self-talk or intrusive thoughts, practicing self-care affirmations may be a helpful tool on your journey towards positive thinking and self-love.

Self-care affirmation written on paper with candle and flowers

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What is an affirmation?

To “affirm” means to state something as a fact, or assert something with strength. Affirmations follow this definition, though they are more specifically used as a means of emotional support or encouragement.

That said, self-care affirmations are a form of self-talk that reinforce positive thoughts and feelings towards our lives. 

Why practice self-care affirmations?

Practicing self-care affirmations can increase the confidence you have in yourself and your ability to achieve your goals, as well as improve your overall health. Additionally, a study led by David Creswell, Ph.D., found that using self-affirmations could enhance your problem solving capabilities in stressful situations.

If your typical self-talk includes phrases such as “I could never…” or “I am not…” then you are likely holding yourself back from amazing things. For example, if you think you could never get that job that you would love to have, then you’re probably never even going to apply or challenge yourself to become more qualified. 

Take control of your thoughts. Shift your mindset and instead remind yourself that you are fully capable of achieving whatever you put your mind to. If you truly believe you are able to do something, you’re more likely to start taking action towards achieving your goals.

The more you practice talking to yourself in a kind way, the quicker that positive way of thinking will become your norm. Self-care affirmations play a key role in reprogramming your thoughts in order to have a positive mindset and outlook on life.

How to practice self-care affirmations

Self-care affirmations are a great addition to your daily self-care routine. Practicing affirmations daily, especially in the morning, will help you tackle the day ahead with a positive mindset. Having a positive mindset will help you face whatever challenges come your way with grace.

However, if you find yourself struggling to sleep due to intrusive thoughts at bedtime, the evening may be the best time for you to practice your self-care affirmations.

Open journal on bed

Many also find that writing affirmations down regularly helps internalize the message of those affirmations. Grab your journal and try writing down the affirmations that resonate with you at least five times each session. Writing your affirmations down would be a great addition to your self-care Sunday routine or as part of a self-love journaling session.


The below list of self-care affirmations will get you started on your journey towards a positive mindset. As you read through, be sure to note which affirmations resonate with you most.

55 Self-Care Affirmations 

  1. Who I am is enough.
  2. I am worthy of receiving love.
  3. I am strong enough to face whatever comes my way.
  4. My voice matters.
  5. I deserve to take up space.
  6. I deserve to be listened to.
  7. I am grateful for my life.
  8. I am kind to myself.
  9. I am thankful for my support system.
  10. I am capable of achieving my goals.
  11. I love myself.
  12. My wellbeing is a top priority.
  13. I am happy with the life I’ve been given.
  14. My life is a precious gift.
  15. I make a positive impact on those around me.
  16. I always see the good in others and in myself.
  17. I am not weak if I ask others for help, I am simply self-aware.
  18. I am proud of who I am becoming.
  19. I will succeed at what I put my mind to.
  20. I cannot control everything in my life, and I am okay with that.
  21. I am worthy of my dreams.
  22. I make choices daily that get me closer to who I want to be.
  23. I am beautiful. 
  24. I am highly intelligent.
  25. I forgive those who have hurt me in the past.
  26. I do not feel the need to compare myself to others.
  27. Everything happens for a reason and good will ultimately come my way.
  28. I am not afraid of what tomorrow will bring.
  29. I welcome today with energy and joy.
  30. I will not give up on my dreams.
  31. I am surrounded by love.
  32. I do not care what other people think about me or my life.
  33. I am grateful for my job and my ability to provide for myself.
  34. I am kind to others.
  35. Today will be a great day.
  36. Taking time for myself is not selfish.
  37. I welcome good things into my life.
  38. I have all the time that I need in life.
  39. I am exactly where I am supposed to be.
  40. I have endless opportunities.
  41. I am incredibly talented.
  42. I have earned a seat at the table and I deserve to be successful.
  43. I do not allow intrusive thoughts into my mind.
  44. I am stronger than the negative thoughts that come my way.
  45. I am allowed to be happy.
  46. I am confident.
  47. I do not need anyone or anything else to complete me.
  48. What is meant for me will be mine.
  49. I am committed to my personal growth.
  50. I will stand up for myself.
  51. I am not afraid to try new things.
  52. I feel at peace with my past.
  53. I forgive myself for past mistakes.
  54. I am willing to change and that is a strength.
  55. I do not need to conform to the world’s perception of “success” – I will define what I believe is success for myself in my life.

I hope the above list of self-care affirmations inspired you to incorporate more positive self-talk in your self-care routine. Pick a few affirmations from the above list that resonate with you most and use them as needed. 

I also encourage you to look inward and consider what additional, personalized affirmations you would benefit from hearing. Every person’s life experience is unique, and as such, each person’s self-care affirmations are likely to sound a bit different.

There are so many things in this world that we have no control over. But we do have complete control over the way that we talk to ourselves. Let’s choose kindness 🙂